Professional Placement/Pro-Tem Service

External Auditor

A rapidly expanding and well established local CPA Firm is seeking a well rounded CPA...
Diverse business team smiling in suits.

Attracting Top Talent To Your Company!

Negotiating job offers is one of my favorite things to do, as a recruiter. It...

So You Received A Counter Offer… Should You Accept It?

You’ve received the job offer of a lifetime, finally allowing you the opportunity to move...
LinkedIn logo, blue square with white "in"

3 Quick Tips to Use LinkedIn for Your Job Search

Unsure on how to maximize your LinkedIn profile for the benefit to job search? Consider...
Man covering face with hands, office setting.

The Cost of A Bad Hire

According to the U.S. Department of Labor, the average cost for each bad hire can...
Woman smiling using laptop on couch.

Hiring Temporary & Part-Time Employees: Pros & Cons

Pros Flexibility Part-time and Temporary employees allow you to staff exactly according to your company's...
Men in a modern office with a whiteboard.

How Can You Achieve Extraordinary Results Among Your Employees?

In Dr. Travis Bradberry's article, Should Leaders Focus on Results or People? he reviewed James...
Woman with glasses talking to a man.

Are You Running an Effective Interview? – Some Simple Steps to Help Make That Happen

From entry level to executive level, almost every position starts with an interview. As an...